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"Of all the discipleship material I have been exposed to in my teaching ministry, ETS is the most thorough, taking the layman through
the total spectrum of the Christian life. I highly recommend it for training laymen. I think David Dawson is one of the most competent
trainers of men available to the Church today."
Dr. Howard Hendricks, Chairman
Center for Christian Leadership
Dallas Theological Seminary
"I have found ETS to be highly effective in the training of business and professional men in the marketplace. It ensures
that a 'basic body of Christian Truth' is communicated during the discipling process. I recommend it often to groups in the United
Gordon E. Adams, President
Vision Foundation Inc.
"EQUIPPING THE SAINTS will do exactly what the title suggests. I have never seen so much material together that is purely biblical."
Dr. Ron Blue, President
CAM International
(Former World Missions Department Chairman of Dallas Theological Seminary)
"I have seen these materials become the core of the teaching and training of elders for the new churches we are
Dr. Kenneth R. Hanna, Professor
Department of Foreign Missions
Moody Bible Institute
(Former Field Chairman, CAM International, Puebla, Mexico)
Jesus said, "Go... and make disciples of all the nations..." (Matthew 28:19)
The Imperative of the Great Commission: "Make Disciples of All Nations." Ephesians 4:11-12 gives the key to accomplishing
Christ's command: Christian leaders are not responsible to do the work of the ministry by themselves, but are to "... perfect
(equip, train) the saints (ordinary laymen) for the work of the ministry." Equipping The Saints is a step-by-step program designed
to aid leaders in training and equipping lay people to do the work of the ministry. Each lesson incorporates specific disciplines and
skills designed to help students balance the Great Commandment and the Great Commission (see Matthew 22:37-40) in their lives thus,
avoiding the "Great Omission."
The Great Commandment
Here the emphasis is on helping people develop their personal relationship with God through quiet time, prayer, Bible
reading and study, Scripture memory and meditation.
The Great Commission
Here the emphasis is on learning to win and disciple through personal evangelism, follow-up and ministry to other believers.
The Objective of Making Disciples: "Bear Fruit That Will Remain"
Jesus reminds His disciples in John 15:16, "You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you and appointed you that you should go
and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain..." ETS is designed to help students bear fruit in three areas of life:
Character -- the "fruit of the Spirit" spoken of in Galatians 5:22-23
Evangelism -- the "fruit of fishing for men" promised in Matthew 4:19
Disciplemaking -- the "fruit of spiritual reproduction" in Matthew 28:19
ETS equips graduates with a set of basic tools to enable them to carry out the work of the ministry in practical ways.
The course has a wide variety of possible applications. It is currently being used in Bible colleges, seminaries, para-church
ministries, Christian schools, local churches and with individual laymen from all walks of life. ETS is a challenging and thorough
program yet it is simple and practical enough to be grasped by almost anyone. It is best used in small group settings, but may also
be used one-on-one or as an individual study course.
The Key to Making Disciples: "Teach Them to Obey All Jesus Commanded"
Careful training techniques have been embedded in the ETS curriculum. Principles are demonstrated to students and practiced in
class on one another. At the beginning of training, each student begins praying for two persons to win and one to disciple.
They learn how to adapt and use the same ETS material to teach a new convert or to disciple someone who has been a Christian for many
years. Each lesson is designed to make the various truths, skills and tools become realities in the lives of students rather than
simply philosophy or theology which they embrace intellectually. A major part of each class session is devoted to personal
accountability -- how the principles were actually applied during that week. This material very quickly becomes an on-the-job
training program as the child of God begins winning and discipling others. ETS balances cognitive knowledge with practical
application; therefore the student is involved in doing ministry instead of merely studying about it!
The Strategy of Making Disciples: "Train Faithful Men to Reach Others"
The Apostle Paul picks up the fruit-bearing theme in 2 Timothy 2:2 as he instructs his young son in the faith, "... and the
things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." This is
the heartbeat of the ETS training! Stated as a principle: "With the privilege of reception comes the corresponding responsibility of
transmission." Each student is not only taught to disciple another, but is trained to carry the process on to the second, third and
fourth spiritual generation. This strategy is derived from the Timothy passage above, where four spiritual generations of believers
are referred to: PAUL reached and taught TIMOTHY, who was commanded to repeat this with FAITHFUL MEN, so they might win and disciple
still OTHERS ALSO. The objective, then, of EQUIPPING THE SAINTS , is to produce biblical disciples capable of multiplying spiritually
to the third and fourth generations, thus helping to fulfill Christ's Great Commission.
** Equipping The Saints is available in multiple languages and can be purchased in an adult or youth edition. **